Metec Consulting Engineers is committed to providing an environmentally friendly workplace and in carrying out our normal work to protect the environment, including prevention of pollution and other specific commitments relevant to the context of the organisation. Environmental management is formally assigned to project managers who shall ensure compliance with this policy and best current practise. Metec are committed to fulfilling its compliance obligations by complying with all applicable legal and other requirements. Metec provides a framework for setting environmental objectives to monitor our impact on the Environment.
Employees are reminded that minimising waste is good for the business and good for the environment and should both co-operate with environmental initiatives and also make positive suggestions as to how we may improve our performance. Current business activities do not create emissions to the environment covered by environmental protection legislation. However, Metec Consulting Engineers is not complacent and remains committed to a high level of environmental protection and, where possible, enhancement. Metec are committed to continual improvement of the environmental management system to enhance environmental performance.
Our employees are strongly encouraged to participate and offer suggestions as to how we may improve our performance in this area. Metec Consulting Engineers will seek to minimise the creation of waste by avoiding unnecessary wastage of materials and recycling materials that cannot be directly reused as far as reasonably practicable. All employees are required to comply with this policy by minimising waste creation and co-operating actively with recycling programmes. Where waste is created, it shall be safely placed inappropriate storage receptacles, care being taken not to overload the storage.
Where required, Metec Consulting Engineers shall take care to provide suitable waste receptacles and ensure that arrangements are made for the collection / emptying of receptacles at a suitable frequency. All employees responsible for collecting waste shall avoid handling overfilled bags etc. to minimise the risk of a manual handling injury. Waste collection points shall be kept in a clean, accessible condition with due regard to fire protection and suitable containers. All waste, for recycling or disposal, shall be collected by either local authority employed refuse collectors or by authorised waste carriers. This policy is communicated to all employees during the company induction and is prominently displayed at head office and available to interceded parties from the managing director.
Bernard Denver
Managing Director
Date: 22/09/2020